30V Variable Power Supply Using LM317

This 30v variable power supply circuit is based on LM317  voltage regulator circuit . This LM317 30v variable power supply circuit can deliver high current (around 5 amps) and variable output voltage between 1.2 volts, up to 30 volts. The led D3 mounted on pin 6 at lm301 lights in constant current mode .

30V Variable Power Supply Using LM317 Circuit diagram 
30V Variable Power Supply Using LM317

Current limit can be adjusted using R2 potentiometer and the output voltage can be adjusted from 1.2 volts to 30 volts using R8 potentiometer . Input voltage for this variable power supply must be around 35 volts .For this power supply circuit you need to use LM317K circuit (in to3 package ) which must be mounted on a heatsink .


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