This is a Simple Automatic Anchor Light Circuit Diagram.Most of the
cruisers do not use a masthead anchor light because the light is too
high above the water level and actually makes it difficult to judge the
position of the boat from just the anchor light, especially in a
pitch-dark anchorage. That is why many people have devised their own
forms of anchor lights that they stick lower to the deck on both sides
of their boat.
Here is the circuit of a compact yet inexpensive automatic anchor light
integrated with an ambient light sensor that turns it on and off
automatically. This 12-volt LED light can be used as a traditional
masthead anchor light and/or as an optional pretty clever custom-built
anchor light. A typical commercial anchor light is shown in Fig. 2.
The circuit described here (refer Fig. 3) lets you control an
electromagnetic relay so that it turns on a white LED light when the
preset light level is reached and turns it off when a different preset
level is reached. The circuit is built around NE555 IC (IC1). The 5mm
light dependent resistor (LDR1) in the circuit triggers the 12V
electromagnetic relay (RL1) as per the ambient light level. RL1 drives
the 10mm white LED light source (LED2). Series resistor (R2) is included
to limit the white LED current.
Fig. 3: Circuit diagram of the anchor light
Note that switching threshold is determined by a 470k potentiometer
(VR1) that causes the output to toggle with the preset threshold values.
The light source (LED2) automatically switches on when it gets dark and
switches off when there is sufficient ambient light. The 100µF
capacitor (C1) provides a bit of hysteresis to prevent the circuit from
jittering near the threshold level. The circuit is optimised for use
with a nominal DC voltage of 12V drawn from any standard accumulator
commonly used in boats.
Construction and testing
A single-side PCB pattern for the anchor light circuit is shown in Fig. 4 and its component layout in Fig. 5.
Fig. 4: PCB pattern of the anchor light circuit
Fig. 5: Component layout of the PCB
The circuit assembled on the small PCB can fit easily inside most
prototype/custom enclosures, which should be waterproof for mounting on
the masthead.
Fig. 6: Suggested enclosure layout
If possible, try to add some optics (lens and reflector) with the white
LED (LED2) to spread the light outward. The 12V power supply input
wires can then be connected to corresponding wires extending from the
existing electric-points of the anchor light. Fig. 6 shows how the
prototype may be assembled. Author’s prototype is shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7: Author’s prototype
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