KT88 Tube Power Amplifier Class A Circuit

Single Ended Valve Triode Amplifier has not same tone with Push Psu Amplifier. Over 90% of Amplifiers are push pull, and push pull amplifier does not 2nd harmonic and off course does not get 2nd 4th, 6th harmonic vs SE has 2nd, 4th, 6th harmonic. Push pull has minor distortion than SE Amplifier.2nd harmonic is make good tone for Music.not too much and not less than.feel good sound get from Single Ended Amplifiers with high efficiency speakers from 88dB/m to 100dB/m. I means Single Ended Amplifier is almost Single Ended Triode Amplifier.or Penthode but wired Triode. Tone is Different.good for Jazz and small room Classic. 

 KT88 Tube Power Amplifier Class A Circuit



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