Release Samsung Galaxy Alpha ceased in February

The network has information that the release of the smartphone Samsung Galaxy Alpha will soon be discontinued. South Korean-informed sources said that Samsung plans to complete the production of Galaxy Alpha in early February. According to them, the production will continue until the components are in stock, and when they run out, the company has no plans to order a new party and, accordingly, the release of the smartphone will be terminated. Presumably, the reason for the termination of release Samsung Galaxy Alpha lie in the fact that it must change the market model Samsung Galaxy A5.


Recall smartphone Samsung Galaxy A5 with a 5-inch touch screen was introduced at the end of October this year, along with a more compact model - 4.5-inch Samsung Galaxy A3. The device is already on sale in The World: for example, the MTS is worth 23,990 rubles, but in some other markets, it appears only at the beginning of next year and, indeed, may well replace the Samsung Galaxy Alpha. Smartphone Samsung Galaxy A5 network support LTE, is equipped with a 13-megapixel and 5-megapixel camera and is enclosed in a metal body thickness of only 6.7 mm.


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