Iron Man is the Hero HTC Deserves: HTC Spends $1B for Ad Campaign With Robert Downey, Jr.


HTC is taking a knocking in the smartphone department from Apple and Samsung (hey, at least they're not BlackBerry), but it looks like they're ready to fight back with a helping hand: Iron Man. Robert Downy, Jr. is the face of HTC's new ad campaign, entitled "Change," which they're spending $1 billion on for the next two to three years.

What are the best kind of commercials? The ones that make you laugh. Before we continue, a quick game of riddle-me-this: What does "HTC" stand for?

Yeah, didn't think you would know. HTC knows you don't know either. So, their RDJ commercials play on just that: the HTC acronym, and RDJ's quest to offer alternatives (like, "Hold This Cat," "Humongous Tinfoil Catamaran," and, "Hipster Troll Car-wash").

The ads are set to start airing Aug. 15, but there's a teaser for the campaign up now that you can check out below. [via Venture Beat]


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