Canonical Ubuntu Edge smartphone sets new crowdfunding pledge record

 Canonical Ubuntu Edge smartphone sets new crowdfunding pledge record

Setting a new record as the highest-earning fixed crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo, a total amount of $10,288,472 (approximately £6.6 million) has, thus far, been generated in pledges by London-based developer Canonical for its Ubuntu Edge smartphone.

The money raised by the Canonical Ubuntu Edge smartphone in its Indeigogo crowdfunding campaign has surpassed the record set by the Pebble smartwatch last year. Pebble had raised a total of $10,266,845 in its crowdfunding campaign.

However, with the Ubuntu Edge crowdfunding campaign scheduled to end on August 21, Canonical is far from its achieving its overall funding target of $32 million. If the developer fails to reach the funding goal, it will have to return all the money to the backers.

In case Canonical is successful in achieving the funding target of its Ubuntu Edge smartphone campaign on the Indiegogo crowdfunding website, it plans to deliver 40,000 handsets to qualifying backers by May 2014.
Noting that the public interest in the Ubuntu Edge smartphone is apparently quite high - with the handset having reportedly caught the attention of phone enthusiasts as well as innovators, futurists and device-makers -, Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth said in an interview woth the BBC: "The campaign has sparked a level of interest that has surprised even us." [via]

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